Slow is Good

Starting a small business in Milwaukee has been a great experience. The opportunity to inject new and crazy ideas into a market is a powerful and emotional event. Whether the emotions bring anxiety and worry, or whether they bring excitement and exhilaration, the driving force is the process. 

One should always bear in mind that business is a process. A process with its own speed, its own uncertainty, and its own pace. You can manage it, but you cannot control it. Go slow.  

For me, slowing down has been the most important lesson I have learned.  A lesson that has been beneficial, not only on a professional level, but also, and more importantly, on a personal one.

So if you are starting a business, a school project, or any new activity that is technically, socially or emotionally challenging I recommend that you take the opportunity to take it slow. And if you are struggling with "slow" as an indispensable concept I urge you to read the essay titled the "Scourge of America" by William Jordan.  

The Scourge of America is a must read.  Whether you are a student or a start-up, I believe that Jordan's 18th century condemnation of "hurry" will convince you, like it convinced me, to slow down. I shall close with this short passage..

"Let us cultivate calmness, restfulness, poise, sweetness,--doing our best, bearing all things as bravely as we can; living our life undisturbed by the prosperity of the wicked or the malice of the envious. Let us not be impatient, chafing at delay, fretting over failure, wearying over results.."   


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