Curbside Bin Maker

After a handful of estate clean outs, junk removals and specialty pick-ups, Bay View Curbside has amassed more than enough junk in 2013. But out of all that rubbish one always finds some treasure. A fender from a Schwinn bike, a few Gilded Age copper fittings, a sheet of plexi-glass and some decent construction material.  Put together, there is enough raw material to have a little fun.

Some colleagues of mine at the Milwaukee MakerSpace have joined in on a variety of up-cycling projects. To date we have finished two, a Pabst Cheese Cigar Box, and a transparent and colorful recycling bin.

The Pabst Cheese Box was cleaned up and and swiftly designed using the laser cutter. It looked great. The recycling bin, on the other hand, took a lot longer. For over a month I tinkered with some very ambitious thoughts. When it came time to actually execute those ambitious thoughts, I quickly realized my imagination had gone too far. After settling down and getting back to reality, I took to the shop. I did some sanding, some painting, and then some more sanding, and some more painting. I finally finished my "bin"project with an etch on the laser cutter, titling the piece "Curb2Make".


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