Zielinsky misses Chest workout for canvassing

Bay View Alderman Tony Zielinsky was out campaigning on Friday. Just one month before the 14th District primary Zielinsky and a campaign volunteer were seen just off of Oklahoma and K.K. courting would be voters. Issues such as  neighborhood safety and economic development were central themes during the 90 minute walk and talk. Residents responded positively to his record.

One critical question remained though. .. how rigorous was this canvassing exercise? Enough to take the place of his daily 60 minute "chest" workout.  The Alderman did canvass for approximately 90 minutes, 30 more than his usual 60 on the bench. It's all about the numbers. Do they match? Does 60 = 90? Or does 90 = 60? We'll find out come April 2nd. The voters will not disappoint.


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