Bay View Bin Design

Outpost Foods wins first annual recycling bin design award. The margin of victory was one vote. After a long, grueling night of cold weather and controversy, the second place finisher, Club Garibaldi conceded to the victor at approximately 4:30a.m.,Thursday morning. 

The controversy erupted when a poll worker was distracted by a middle aged white man. The man, whose name has not yet been released, accused a local voter of fraud. According to an anonymous source, the accuser alleged that the deciding vote had been cast illegally, Asserting the swing voter  should be disqualified for failing to use a #2 pencil. Hollen Van Priebus supports the accusations of the middle aged man. "The complete and utter lawlessness found in this case is equal in scope and magnitude to that of the Watergate Impeachment of former President Nixon".


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