Why Michael hauls junk?

Simon Sinek's "Golden Circle" concept emphasizes the importance of communicating from the "inside/out". His simple model starts with asking WHY? Why are you doing what you do? This is the first question that should be explored and answered when considering a career or any other important life decision. Likewise, the reason(s) why, should be articulated first when communicating a personal or organizational message. By answering Why first, you get to the biological core of human motivation. The area of a person's brain where trust develops and decisions are made. For more on this simple business model listen to Simon.
          Or find out what "Why" has to do with Junk hauling in Bay View? 
I believe Simon's model can apply to the business of junk.  If I were to ask myself why I do what I do, I would say, it's fun. I would then move toward the idea of flexibility. Junk hauling is mostly seasonal, it allows me to pursue connected interests in education and civic engagement.  Thirdly, going up and down stairs, lifting heavy objects and unloading the truck is good exercise. Lastly, operating a business or project of your own requires an ongoing learning that I much appreciate. Each day, each new interaction, brings a new challenge. The most frequent of which is just stepping back and listening. And then, stepping back, and listening some more.  


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