Wood Recovery / Milwaukee Homes

The Tiny Home Movement is representing a much needed move toward simplicity. Versatile and mobile, these 300 square foot homes have been built for work, play and simple living. Living that includes less fluff, less clutter, and less stuff.

Many builders of Tiny Homes embrace resource conservation. Re-use of construction material and general resource efficiency seem to represent core values for many participants. Tiny Home projects typically use reclaimed wood recovered from deconstruction projects.The low cost of salvaged lumber keeps costs down substantially, increasing the number of purchasing prospects.  

The Tiny Home Movement is having success in states such as Vermont, Wisconsin and California. In Vermont, for example, Hobbyists and DIYers have started a workshop that enlist weekend volunteers to help build these simple shacks.  In exchange, volunteers have the opportunity to learn skills while participating in meaningful community projects.
Tiny Homes offer simplicity, affordability, and a sense of community. With less square footage than a small apartment, these humble abodes sufficiently provide for life's daily essentials. Equally important they also give families and neighborhoods more than a comfy place to live, but an increase in time spent together with family, friends and neighbors.
Listen to a short audio clip from NPR .


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