Recycling Bin Access

The city of Milwaukee has reported an increase in residential recycling rates over the last three years. Collection volumes for recycled material are steadily on the rise. Milwaukee’s 2013 Sustainability Plan noted that improvement of consumer access to street side recycling and the “Recycle for Good” campaign have been the primary drivers for the recent increase in collection volumes.  

Improving consumer access to recycling bins is a significant factor in advancing Milwaukee’s resource recovery efforts. By increasing the number of curbside bins, by simplifying consumer access, Milwaukee has raised the collection volume of recycled resources. At the same time, residents have demonstrated a willingness to recycle and an ability to work with the city on its sustainability initiatives. 

Milwaukee’s Green Team is leading local recycling initiatives by combining easy access to public bins with a well-informed awareness campaign. Taken together, Milwaukee is increasing its resource recovery rate, keeping less waste out of landfills and is following through on the goals and targets of the 2013 Sustainability Plan.


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