Milwaukee Trash Tubes

Pneumatic trash transport may be the future for urban waste. Gone would be the cumbersome and inefficient practice of navigating large dump trucks and refuse compactors to a system suited more for the modern technological age. 

Trash Tubes operate primarily underground. They function like water and sewer systems. Connecting and carrying material for miles. The trash tubes connect above ground to a variety of well-designed, artistic recycling bins, where waste resources are deposited. One bin for compost or food scraps, one bin for plastic bottles, one bin for cardboard, coffee cups, and paper, and one bin for end-of-life material. 

Each tube will be separate from the other. Garbage down one chute, plastic, paper, and food scraps down another.  All waste would be recovered at a central processing hub.  

Downtown Milwaukee ought to consider “going pneumatic”. An underground trash tube system would mitigate congestion from dump trucks, offer an efficient solution to material separation, and decrease the financial and environmental costs of fossil fuel consumption.


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