Vanster Curbside Waste Recovery

The Milwaukee market for turning dumpster waste into cash has become increasingly more competitive. High commodity prices along with changes in city solid waste policy has gotten the attention of many white collar workers seeking a paycheck. Many are now turning to scrapping recyclable metals, cans, or cardboard just to survive.

A former laid-off accountant from Shorewood, whom I met on a job site in Bay View, said he enjoyed the daily operations of a waste hauler. Citing that he is in much better shape now, than he was ever before, as an accountant.  I can understand that.  Junk haulers spend most of their days like movers. Hauling pinball machines from the basement, running up and down stairs with heavy appliances, and, don't forget the occasional treadmill and piano. those can be challenging.   

"It all evens out in the end, though."The pay is good and I have fun doing my job".
That's all that matters.

Choosing a career path in the Waste Recovery Industry is great. You have the opportunity to build something of your own, time to exercise, and time to design cool logos or artsy brochures.  If you want to start your own WASTE HAULING business give us a call at 414.982.3736. I'd be happy to help you out.  Thanks.  


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